Islam Bandana Would This Be Disrespective Of Islam?

Would this be disrespective of Islam? - islam bandana

SIS me n front of my young friend Somaya chatted .... about women who share the ninja lol [black and wear the abaya niqaab]: We wondered what people are reacting as if we were dressed in conservative clothes and USA ... It is Moroccan but it is for the normal black scarf (she is only 19, but he chose to veil, if you wear to get married.)
It would be just to see how it feels on the skin of these women are .. do u think we should try?


History of Ideas said...

1) with a friend is not bad in Islam

2) It is just a joke about the ninja is not that Muslims have a sense of humor?

3) the hijab is not mandated by Islam, is a part of Islam, but if you follow the steps of the comically solehah Muslim ", then to everyone's taste.

4) Life is for those who veil in Western countries, not em brave souls decided to take tough, but a little crazy.

5) He just wanted to take the place of compassion that I righteuos Crazy stupid idiot Muslim.

♥ terry g ♥ said...

1) The word is disrespectful * * no disrespect.

2) Your relationship with your boyfriend is haram and disrespectful towards Islam.

3) Call abaya and niqab ninja "is itself offensive and disrespectful.

4) No disrespect to Islam by the treatment in this way. It's fun to dress like a joke. Women who dress this way to do this self-esteem. All that is lacking in this area.

So: Thanks for the thumbs down ... Everything that is in your question is a lack of respect, if you want to admit it or not. They make fun of this dress, just your choice of words. Maybe you have to edit your thoughts carefully next time.

No, I'm blind. I know exactly what I see here.

YOUIS ever status. They arrogantly proud of this fact, despite the fear that their actions are perceived by Muslims. I try not to judge anyone, but boast of their length dispect for Islam and its practices. It's sad.

Edit: ROFL ... Does it ever end?

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