Windows Activation Expired help? - windows xp activation phone code blogspot
Ok, I have this friend and his problem is that your Windows XP Home Edition Activation has expired ... For some reason couldnt put the code, because he said that the number of times you can activate Windows with this product key has been exceeded, please use a different production key.has differnt expired, and he 's actions in a legal version of the CD that you know whether, when my friend called and said only on Windows, they want a new activation code, enter it freely? theres a problem, my friend told me that he had used his CD of Windows XP on a computer because he wanted to lose another $ 100 to .. Is it possible to discover that Microsoft uses in more than one computer, the phone calls requesting a code acticvation new?
Windows Xp Activation Phone Code Blogspot Windows Activation Expired Help?
7:12 PM
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